The complete lines for the production of pasta signed SIDE

Some examples

Tipologie di linee

Produzione pasta fresca


SIDE designs and manufactures machinery, equipment and complete lines for the production of fresh pasta. Each line is designed according to the specific needs of the equipment to optimise all phases of the production of fresh pasta and includes automatic kneaders, extruders, sheeters, moulders, pasteurisers, driers and coolers.

The purpose of the line for fresh pasta is the production, treatment and packaging of pasta (which can be long, short, stuffed, and so on), having a shelf life which generally ranges from a few weeks up to about three months. The product is made using kneading and moulding machines, which differ depending on the required format and the kind of pasta to be produced. It is subsequently pasteurised to reduce the bacterial load, dried to remove moisture present on the surface and cooled to prevent bacteria from multiplying. After undergoing the various treatments, the product is weighed and packaged using a vertical thermoforming or packaging machine. If necessary, after packaging the product can be further treated to obtain longer shelf life: in this case, it is transported to the input of a coil to undergo a second pasteurisation and then immediately cooled through a cooling coil.

Produzione pasta precotta fresca


SIDE provides a full range of machinery for the production of pre-cooked pasta. All cooking lines are designed to meet the needs of production and include automatic kneaders, extruders, sheeters, moulders, immersion cookers, immersion coolers, oilers, driers, and tunnel or coil coolers.

This line produces packaged pre-cooked fresh pasta, an interesting product for those consumers who need to prepare quick meals and thus have to be cooked in a matter of a minute or two. The pasta dough is made by kneading and moulding depending on the formats required by the customer. After moulding, the product is conveyed to a cooker for partial cooking and then cooled in water using an immersion cooler. After this operation, the product is sometimes treated using an oiler to keep the pasta soft and prevent it from sticking. After these operations, the pasta is superficially dried by hot air and cooled to stop bacteria from multiplying. It is then packaged according to the type of packaging desired by using a vertical thermoforming or packaging machine.

Produzione pasta surgelata


SIDE offers complete lines for the production of frozen pasta providing the best machines for each production phase. The lines include automatic kneaders, extruders, sheeters, moulders, immersion cookers, immersion coolers, and tunnel or coil driers and freezers.

Through the production line for frozen pre-cooked pasta, pasta can be produced with all the benefits of pre-cooked pasta but with a shelf life greater thanks to deep-freezing of the product. Once kneaded, the pasta dough is conveyed to the moulding machines through the appropriate kneaders for the production of pasta according to the formats required by the customer. The product is then taken to an immersion cooker for partial cooking before being deposited in a cold water cooler to lower the temperature quickly. The cooled product is then superficially dried by hot air and frozen by means of a deep-freezing coil. At the end of the treatment, the product is closed in packs which may be of different types and formats.

Produzione pasta piatti pronti

Impianti e macchinari per la produzione di piatti pronti

Side progetta e realizza macchinari e linee complete per la produzione di piatti pronti: impastatrici automatiche, linee di formatura, pastorizzatori, essiccatoi, nastri elevatori, raffreddatori, taglierine dosatori e sistemi di dosaggio e posizionamento.

Questo impianto permette di produrre piatti pronti come lasagne e cannelloni, i quali dovranno essere solo scaldati per essere consumati. Il processo inizia con la produzione dell’impasto tramite l’impastatrice e la successiva formatura di una sfoglia di pasta tramite sfogliatrice o eventualmente una pressa. La sfoglia viene quindi calibrata per raggiungere il corretto spessore e poi convogliata all’ingresso di un cuocitore per effettuare la precottura. A fine cottura la sfoglia va raffreddata tramite un raffreddatore ad immersione per poi essere depositata su un nastro. Esso comprende i vari dispositivi per depositare il ripieno sulla sfoglia e poi formare i cannelloni, dispositivi che non verranno utilizzati qualora la linea sia adibita alla produzione di lasagne ripiene. L’operazione successiva sarà il taglio trasversale del prodotto (sfoglia o cannelloni che siano) per mezzo di una apposita taglierina e poi l’ingresso nella linea adibita al dosaggio dei sughi. Nel caso il prodotto sia costituito da cannelloni, essi verranno depositati su vaschette preformate e poi si applicherà sul prodotto tramite i dosatori uno strato di sugo e formaggio conformemente a quanto richiesto dal cliente. Qualora la produzione riguardi invece lasagne ripiene, verrà effettuato l’accatastamento della sfoglia alternata a strati di sugo e formaggio direttamente all’interno delle vaschette preformate, utilizzando una catenaria semiautomatica e una serie di operatori o in alternativa utilizzando un impianto completamente automatico di dosatura. Alla fine di queste operazioni, le vaschette verranno chiuse tramite apposito dispositivo di confezionamento.

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